My 宝博体育 Academic Experience in 悉尼, 澳大利亚



研究ing abroad is loads of fun, but at the end of the day we are here to study. 为了享受东道国的美景,优先考虑学业是很重要的. 在国外学习时,在学习和探索东道国之间找到平衡是至关重要的. 然而, 即使在学习或做作业的时候,你仍然有可能探索东道国的文化. 

A classroom with red chairs


我目前在特拉华大学学习传播学,并继续在国外的学术经历 澳大利亚. One of the classes I am taking is called Intercultural 沟通, where we learn about a diverse range of 文化 and how that shapes our experiences. As part of this course, 有一周,我们去悉尼的唐人街旅行,那里离我们在城里的教学楼只有五分钟的步行路程. 我们了解了中国文化和农历新年的庆祝活动,这在中国和美国都很重要 悉尼的唐人街. 周末会放烟花,亚洲餐馆里挤满了品尝中国文化美食的人. 因为2024年是龙年,所以我和我的朋友们看到了龙的游行. There were hundreds of people, including tourists and locals, all viewing the parade; it was a neat experience that so many people of different 文化 came together to watch this sacred event in Chinese culture. 



I am also taking 澳大利亚n Cinema, 澳大利亚n History, 和澳大利亚体育,让自己融入东道国的文化,更多地了解我生活的地方. 我已经对澳大利亚文化中的这些话题有了很多深入的了解,这让我很感兴趣,因为我在学术生涯中从未接触过这些主题.  

In my 澳大利亚n History course, 我们在海德公园兵营上了一堂野外课,那里是澳大利亚第一个囚犯居住的地方. 我们走进大楼,看到了囚犯们睡觉的吊床. 我们还了解了土著人的历史,以及土著人和澳大利亚人之间复杂而痛苦的关系, much like Native Americans in the United States. 然而, 在澳大利亚,人们做了更多的工作来修复土著人之间的关系,比如建立了公园和纪念碑, and public apologies by the government. Much more work is still needed to be done for this, 但我认为澳大利亚正走在修复与土著人关系的正确道路上.  

In my cinema class, we have an upcoming trip to view one of our professor’s films, which he helped produce during Mardi Gras. 在我的体育课上,我们有即将到来的现场课去看AFL比赛. 

I have also explored the libraries of 悉尼 so far in my time abroad. 我喜欢图书馆,因为它们对我来说是平静的,并激励我更有效率. 我参观了悉尼大学图书馆、达令广场图书馆和悉尼科技大学图书馆. So far my favorite has been the UTS Library, which is just a short five-minute walk from where I live in 悉尼. This is the university my 东航卡帕 program is partnered with as well.  

An large metal sign reading

The State Library of New South Wales. 



就在几天前的一个雨天,我去了这家图书馆,为我的电影课做一些作业. The main lobby was massive. There was a huge, 长屏幕显示女性在左边冲浪,你可以从大厅看到所有不同的层次. There was a large food court area on the lower level which had all different kinds of food; from Greek to Asian to Italian, the UTS library had it all. I ventured up the stairs and explored each floor. 这个图书馆总共有九层,每层都变得越来越安静.  


A selfie of me during a study break at the UTS Library. 

这座建筑的设计不同于我以前见过的任何一座图书馆. 那里有小海湾,你可以在那里用枕头和毯子打个盹. There was a spiral staircase that curves as you walk up. 有一个屋顶花园,你也可以在那里工作,俯瞰城市. There were bookshelves in the middle of the floor, with tables and chairs hugging the walls on the edge of the level. 然而, these walls were not just any old wall. They were windows: long, transparent windows that cover the full wall from top to bottom, overlooking 悉尼.  




Spiral staircase in the UTS Library. 

我选了一个可以俯瞰大楼旁边的皮特街的地方. 当我在做我的工作时,雨打在窗玻璃上,这是美丽而宁静的. I will definitely be going back to this library. The design is unique, 未来主义的, and advanced with windows panes making up the walls of the building, rooftop gardens, and napping coves. 我认为图书馆是澳大利亚建筑技术进步和可持续设计的完美代表, as UTS has a focus on technology. 


My workspace overlooking Pitt Street at the UTS Library. 

A large outdoor building with a window reading

The UTS 业务 School. 

If I would like a more informal place to study, I go to the courtyard in my apartment building complex. 有一个漂亮的绿色空间和可爱的躺椅,非常舒适. 总有微风吹过这些建筑,让这里成为一个非常安静的做功课的地方. 很高兴我有另一个选择来做我的工作,而不是图书馆, in case I would like a different environment to study. I also enjoy being outside, especially as it is summertime in 澳大利亚, so it’s pleasant to do work outside when I can. 

A study abroad student sitting outside taking a selfie


I am loving my academic experience abroad so far. 我正在体验新的地方,更多地了解澳大利亚的文化和社会. 我迫不及待地想回到悉尼科技大学图书馆,继续探索悉尼市内新的图书馆和学习场所.  




Jake Kalinowski

Jake Kalinowski is the Content Creator - Photographer in 悉尼, 澳大利亚, and is currently studying at University of Delaware.